Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Akupunktur tidak hanya dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Kini, akupunktur menjadi pilihan para wanita yang ingin tampil jelita. Wajah cantik dan kulit licin adalah dambaan setiap wanita.

Merawat kesihatan kulit wajah menjadi sangat penting sebagai penunjang penampilan, khususnya bagi kaum hawa. Berbagai cara pun mereka tempuh, dari perawatan dengan ubat-ubatan, botox, hingga pembedahan plastik. Risiko dan biaya besar yang diperlukan tidak menjadi halangan. Namun, kini ada kaedah mempercantikkan tubuh dengan biaya yang terbilang murah, yakni dengan akupunktur. Malah, terafi ini juga tanpa kesan sampingan dan bekerja dalam masa yang amat singkat. Waktu yang relatif singkat, kecantikan alami dapat ditemukan dengan teknik akupunktur.

Akupunktur sendiri sudah dikenali sejak 5000 tahun yang lalu. Berawal dari mengubati abses, kini akupunktur berkembang untuk mengubati berbagai penyakit. Terakhir, akupunktur kini marak digemari wanita kerana dapat mengatasi masalah kecantikan. Akupunktur merupakan pengubatan alamiah dengan cara penusukan pada titik-titik tertentu di permukaan tubuh untuk menghasilkan suatu kesan terafi. Teknik akupunktur secara keseluruhan dapat menyihatkan tubuh.

Hal ini berkait pula dengan kesihatan kulit sehingga secara otomatik akan terlihat juga kesannya pada wajah. Secara umum akupunktur bermanfaat untuk melancarkan peredaran darah dan limpa, meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh, serta untuk daya tahan tubuh juga. Adapun, peralatan yang digunakan dalam proses akupunktur adalah jarum yang ukurannya berbagai jenis, mulai 1/2 cun (ukuran jarum akupunktur) sampai 1 cun (khusus untuk wajah) dan ukuran terbesar mencapai 5 cun.

Alat lainnya yang diperlukan adalah thermal deep penetration (TDP). TDP adalah lampu penghangat yang disinari ke kawasan tubuh pasien yang ingin diubati selama proses penusukan dilakukan. Terakhir iaitu alat untuk mengaliri elektrik, itu pun jika diperlukan. Dalam dunia kecantikan sendiri, akupunktur memberikan manfaat yang sangat bererti, iaitu untuk menjaga, mengubati dan mempertahankan kecantikan kulit.

Untuk wajah, penusukan dilakukan di dahi, pelipis, bawah mata, hidung, kuping hidung, sudut mulut dan dagu. Prosesnya pun dilakukan tanpa aliran elektrik, kecuali untuk menghilangkan keriput. Selain wajah, ada beberapa masalah kecantikan lainnya yang dapat diubati dengan teknik yang kini masih baru di Malaysia. Menurut Prof. Dr. Hj. Shahrin, masalah tersebut antara lain obesiti, masalah rambut (luruh, kelemumur dan beruban), selulit, bau badan. Waktu yang singkat juga merupakan keuntungan dari teknik akupunktur, walaupun hasil pada setiap orang tetap berbeza.Namun, secara umum dalam 12 kali (enam minggu) terafi sudah dapat terlihat hasilnya.

Kaedah ini amat selamat dan juga dapat menyegarkan tubuh serta menguatkan otot-otot wajah.

Merujuk pada prinsip-prinsip pengubatan China, tubuh yang sihat adalah tubuh yang dalam keadaan yin-yang seimbang. Bererti aliran energi (chi) berjalan lancar ke meridian. Jika energi terlalu keras atau terlalu lemah di salah satu meridian, maka akan terjadi ketidak seimbangan dan akan menyebabkan timbulnya penyakit.

Akupuntur menyeimbangkan aliran energi tubuh dengan membuat rangsangan untuk melancarkan sirkulasi energi dan darah. Jarum akupuntur ditancapkan pada titik-titik meridian tertentu. Biasanya di lengan, wajah, leher, kaki dan belakang.

Akupuntur merangsang otot-otot wajah, membantu melancarkan sirkulasi darah, menaikkan aliran oksigen ke jaringan-jaringan kulit, serta mempercepat keluarnya racun dari sel-sel kulit. Akupuntur juga membantu memperbaiki fungsi kulit sampai ke tingkat optima yang bererti juga mengurangi kesan-kesan penuaan.

Dalam pengubatan tradisional China, jerawat diklasifikasikan sebagai angin dan panas yang mempengaruhi darah. Sebahagian besar juga berhubungan dengan makanan, terutama bagi mereka yang gemar memakan makanan pedas, berminyak mahupun alkohol. Makanan-makanan tersebut menyebabkan panas di dalam perut, yang ditransferkan melalui meridian ke darah. Kerana itu merupakan keadaan Yang, maka sebahagian besar mempengaruhi bahagian-bahagian di tubuh seperti wajah, leher, dan belakang atas.

Terafi yang biasanya dilakukan oleh akupunturis iaitu mengeluarkan angin dan panas dari darah dengan menggunakan titik-titik besar pada usus besar dan saluran meridian Sanjiao (terdapat di lengan). Dan memperkuat darah dengan menggunakan titik pada saluran limpa. Mengeluarkan sinar wajah (aura) pun boleh dilakukan dengan akupuntur.


1. Penurunan berat badan & selulit (Slim & Health) Kegemukan / obesitI adalah keadaan dimana terjadi penumpukan lemak tubuh yang melebihi batas normal. Dapat disebabkan kerana faktor genetik/keturunan, pola makan berlebihan, gangguan hormon. Adanya selulit terbentuk dari gumpalan-gumpalan minyak, sisa-sisa metabolisme dalam tubuh dan air yang terperangkap di bawah kulit. Umumnya terdapat pada bahagian paha, pinggul, perut, lengan. Menyebabkan kulit nampak kendur, kurang kenyal dan tidak halus, sehingga mengganggu penampilan seseorang.

2. Pembentukan tubuh proporsional (Body Sculpting)

Tubuh yang proporsional adalah dambaan setiap orang samada pria mahupun wanita. Namun pada kenyataannya tidak semua orang memiliki tubuh yang seimbang, dimana terdapat bahagian-bahagian tubuh yang lebih besar/kecil sehingga mengurangi estetika penampilan.

3. Masalah rambut (Hair Treatment)

Rambut adalah mahkota setiap orang yang harus dirawat. Rambut sihat memiliki tingkat kelembaban penuh di seluruh batang rambut, sehingga kutikula rambut teguh. Rambut kurang sihat nampak rapuh, nipis, bercabang dan kering.

4. Masalah kulit & wajah (Acupuncture Facelift)

Wajah merupakan pusat ekspresi seseorang, sehingga memerlukan perawatan khusus. Kulit wajah harus dijaga kebersihannya. Mempertahankan dan menambah kelembutan kulit, merangsang regenerasi, mengencangkan kembali & mencerahkan kulit wajah, mengurangi kerutan, mengecilkan pori-pori, menghilangkan flek, kantong mata. Kulit sihat mencerminkan keadaan tubuh yang sihat pula.

5. Jerawat (Acne Treatment)

Umumnya jerawat muncul di kulit wajah, leher, bahu, belakang dan dada. Timbulnya jerawat akibat pori-pori kulit tertutup minyak dan sel-sel kulit mati. Dipengaruhi oleh perubahan hormon (proses pertumbuhan, gangguan hormon kerana situasi tertentu).

6. Masalah payudara (Breast Treatment)

Membentuk dan mengencangkan payudara.

7. Masalah kesihatan wanita (Women’s health)

Gangguan kesihatan yang berkaitan dengan organ kewanitaan, seperti masalah menstruasi (nyeri haid, haid tidak teratur), gangguan hormon, gangguan pra-menopause, keputihan, frigid (menurun/menghilangnya libido), mengencangkan otot-otot vagina, terutama setelah melahirkan.

8. Masalah kesihatan lelaki (Men’s Health)

Gangguan kesihatan yang berkaitan dengan organ lelaki, seperti impoten, ejakulasi pra matang, seminal emission, menurun/menghilangnya libido.

9. Masalah keturunan (Infertility)

Membantu mengatasi pasangan yang memiliki kesulitan mempunyai keturunan (kurang subur, mandul).

10. Perawatan keseluruhan untuk calon pengantin (Bridal) Disarankan bagi calon pengantin untuk melakukan perawatan ini minimum 2-3 bulan sebelum hari pernikahan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optima.

11. Titik Wajah (Face Acupressure ) Membuka aura inner beauty, mencerahkan & membuat segar seketika, awet muda. Untuk lelaki mahupun wanita.


MOXIBUSTION - heat acupuncture

Definition: What is Moxibustion?

Moxibustion is the application of heat to acupuncture points or areas of the body using moxa to treat and prevent health conditions. Chapter 73 of Miraculous Pivot, a famous chinese medical book stated, "a disease that may not be treated by acupuncture may be treated by moxibustion "

Materials: What is Moxa Made of?

The main material is moxa or moxa wool from Artemisia Vulgaris (ai ye, or mugwort), a type of Chrysanthemum. The best variety is the one produced in Qizhou (China). Its leaves are thick with lots of wool. Moxa leaf is bitter and acrid, gives up warmth in small amounts and strong heat used in large amounts. Older moxa is better; it is easy to light, has a good smell, gives off moderate heat, reaches deep parts of the body and is inexpensive. You can use other materials such as peach stem, mulberry stem, bamboo skin, or Deng Xin Cao.

Functions of Moxa

Moxa is used for diseases that are not well-treated by acupuncture and chinese herbs or combined with the above to increase the effects of treatment. For conditions that do not respond to herbs and needles, use moxa. It applies to many diseases, deficiency, excess and heat syndrome & acute conditions. Moibustion:

  1. Warms the channels to expel cold: The heat from moxibustion reaches deep portions of the body such as muscles and tendons. It warms, moves and unblocks Qi in the channels. It treats cold damp bi syndrome, stubborn deep disease and Yang deficiency syndrome.
  2. Reinforces the middle jiao, replenishes Qi, recovers Yang and rescues the Yang from collapse. Treats cold limbs bi syndrome, minute pulse, extreme sweat, anuresis, diarrhea, prolapse of rectum & uterus.
  3. Promotes Qi and blood circulation, resolves blood stasis, and removes obstruction & pain due to above symptoms. Treats dysmenorrhea, Bi syndrome, skin abscess such as carbuncle, scrofula of cold type.
  4. Prevents disease & maintains health. St 36 promotes health, Du 14 prevents disease. Both activate the Zheng (correct) Qi and increase bodily resistance to disease.

Do not substitute moxa for needles in an acupuncture formula. Moxibustion adds new energy to the body while needles only manipulate pre-existing energy. Moxibustion is faster, easier & less expensive than chinese herbal formulas because it manipulates energy more directly. However, it cannot always replace herbal treatment.

  • Chronic conditions & Yang Qi deficiency such as chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, malaria, phlegm, water retention, edema, asthma cold type, impotence, enuresis, Bi syndrome, abdominal pain, stomach ache and metrorrhagia due to Qi deficiency.
  • Older people with frequent urination due to Yang deficiency, wind stroke of Tuo type, profuse sweating, dying Yang syndrome and collapse of Qi.
  • Emergency treatment- collapse of Yang.
  • Summary: Yin syndrome, cold syndrome and deficiency syndrome.
Classification of Moxa Methods
  1. Moxa cone
A. Direct moxibustion:

Non scarring, no local scar on skin. Apply vaseline on on acupoint, then cone, burn about 2/5, remove cone & replace it with another one. Do several times until skin is red & congested. It may cause a blister Scarring: This method is not use in the west. There are several scarring methods to cause local congestion & blister such as garlic, Ban jie zi, Suan Ni (garlic)

B. Indirect moxibustion:

Herbs placed between the moxa and the skin. Combines the function of the herbs, the moxa and adds the energetic property of the herb.

Ginger moxibustion:

a slice of raw fresh ginger 2-3 mm thick, diameter of moxa cone, punch holes in ginger, place ginger on acupoint, then on cone and ignite it. If a burning pain occurs, slightly lift it, move it or place additional ginger slices. Use 5-10 cones until area is red. Ginger regulates Yin, dispels cold, relieves exterior syndrome, regulates middle jiao, harmonizes stomach, dispels accumulations, regulates Qi, promotes digestion and dispels water. Indications: deficiency cold syndrome such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, stomach aches, vomiting and joint pain.

Garlic moxibustion:

same technique as for ginger slices. It has a strong stimulation on the skin and can easily cause blisters. It dispels cold dampness, expels pathogens, strengthens spleen & stomach, relieves swelling and resolves masses. For carbuncles, sores, furuncle, lung TB and abdominal masses.

Salt moxibustion:

Only used in the umbilicus; fill navel with dry salt to skin level, ignite it or place slice of ginger between salt and cone. If umbilicus is not concave, place material on top of umbilicus, then salt and cone. Used for acute gastro enteritis such as vomiting, diarrhea and dysentery. Abdominal pain around umbilicus to rescue the Yang, for Yang collapse and cold limbs. Very good for chronic diarrhea.

Fu Zi moxibustion:

slice fresh Fu Zi (aconite root) on acupoint, ground Fu Zi make a paste with rice wine, place herb under cone, same as ginger method, use 5-7 cones, skin will be warm & red. Fu Zi is acrid, warm, hot. Functions: Warm kidney, supplement Mingmen fire and various Yang deficiencies such as impotence, diarrhea before dawn, cold limbs and carbuncle Yin type.
You can also use cones or cakes made of Hu jiao (pepper), Ding xiang, Rou gui, She xiang to treat Bi syndrome due to wind damp or numbness of local area. Mix Huang Tu with water to make a cone for carbuncles, sores on the back or eczema

  1. Moxa Stick
Moxa sticks or cigars:

Mild warm moxibustion, chronic diseases, about 1 to 2 cm from the skin for 3-5 minutes until skin shows reddish. It warms & dredges the channels, expels wind damp & cold, treats fainting & numbness. Put your own hand on area to control heat, use moxa between fingers especially when treating numbness. Round moxibustion, for chronic diseases, move stick in circular motion above point. Sparrow pecking, acute & child diseases, move in closer, then back up, do not touch the skin.

3. Warm needling:

Very common, combines the functions of acupuncture & moxibustion. Obtain De Qi, then use a pinch of moxa on needle handle, repeat 3-5 times, for Bi & Wei syndrome. Some people cut a cent size off a moxa stick, put a hole through & place it on needle handle.

Contraindications and Cautions

Mainly for cold, deficiency and Yin syndrome. Improper use may cause problems.

  • Be very careful in Yin deficiency with Yang rising, vomit/cough with blood, wind stroke, Bi syndrome, severe infection with high fever
  • Do not use for excess syndrome, Yin deficiency with fever or heat syndrome
  • Do not use moxa on face, genitals or close to vessels. Do not use for pregnant women on abdomen or lower back


AURICULOTHERAPY - ear acupuncture



Auriculotherapy, also called ear acupuncture, applies the principles of acupuncture to specific points on the ear. Auriculotherapists believe that healing processes can be promoted by working with these points on the ear, because the ear contains many blood vessels and nerve endings that, when stimulated, influence the organs and bodily functions.


Acupuncture is one of the world's oldest therapeutic techniques, having its roots in ancient China. Some of the oldest texts of Chinese medicine mention acupuncture points and massage techniques specifically for the ear. For eye problems, silver or gold earrings were sometimes prescribed in ancient times to provide constant healing stimulation at points on the ear, a practice that is still performed in some areas of the world, including Malaysia. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks believed that working with the ears could influence health. Hippocrates, the Greek father of medicine, mentioned a point on the ear that could be operated on as a birth control measure in men. In Europe in the Middle Ages, doctors prescribed surgery on a particular spot on the ear for a condition called sciatica, which causes nerve pain in the hips and thighs.

In modern times, auriculotherapy has been advanced by Paul Nogier of France. Beginning his work and experiments in the 1950s, Nogier laid out an intricate map of points on the ear that correspond to the organs and processes in the body. Nogier believed that the ear is shaped like an upside down human fetus, and the acupuncture points on the ear correspond to the body parts of the fetus shape, with the earlobe representing the head. Nogier theorized that by stimulating these points on the ear, the corresponding organs and bodily processes would be stimulated by nerve impulses. Nogier also theorized that by measuring electrical impulses on the skin of the ear, problems could be detected in the internal organs, and therefore auriculotherapy could be used to diagnose illnesses. Nogier and many followers, including ear acupuncturists in America and China, conducted scientific experiments in auriculotherapy, and showed some significant and surprising results in both treatment and diagnosis of conditions.


Auriculotherapy is a quick, inexpensive, and non-invasive method of pain control. Ear acupuncture is also used as anesthesia during medical procedures. It is used frequently to help people overcome drug, tobacco, and alcohol addictions, and is used to treat chronic health conditions and diseases.


After an initial exam and interview, auriculotherapists begin treatment by checking the patient's ears closely. Practitioners may palpate (feel) the ears with their hands, and check for any irregularities or painful spots. They may check for spots that are insensitive or numb by using cold or hot needles on the ear. They may also rely on electrical devices that measure skin resistance at points on the ear.

Several techniques may be used during auriculotherapy. Acupuncture needles are typically extremely thin. More than one needle may be used at one time, inserted deeply, or just pricked slightly along the contours of the ear. On some points, needles may be twisted or slanted to create more healing effects. Needles may be left in from a few minutes to half an hour or more.

Auriculotherapists may use permanent press needles. These small, tack-shaped needles may be attached to the ear with a narrow band of tape for several days or weeks. They are used for conditions that may require constant stimulation to acupuncture points on the ear, such as addictions, chronic (long-lasting) infections, and other health problems.

Auriculotherapists also practice electroacupuncture, which utilizes electrical devices to send small electrical currents into the ear or through the body. Electroacupuncture is used for conditions such as paralysis or nerve damage in the body, drug and alcohol addictions, and chronic pain. Auriculotherapists may also employ bleeding, which removes one or two drops of blood at certain points on the ear. Bleeding is used for health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease .

Auriculotherapy, like all acupuncture, should not be performed on weak or exhausted patients, nor on those who are very hungry or have just eaten a meal or drunk alcohol. Auriculotherapy should not be performed on pregnant women during the first two trimesters (six months) of pregnancy, and afterwards only on very particular points on the ear for pain control. Auriculotherapy is not recommended for children under seven years old, and should be performed with care on the elderly. Ear acupuncture is to be avoided by those with anemia (low red blood cell quantity in the blood). Patients with nervous conditions should be thoroughly relaxed and prepared before treatment. For people that find acupuncture disagreeable, ear massage and acupressure may be preferable to treatment with needles.

Side effects

Some patients may experience uncomfortable side effects during or after acupuncture. Side effects that may occur after treatment include fainting, dizziness, nausea, numbness, headaches, sweating, or sharp pains throughout the body. These reactions may be due to anxiety or because acupuncture needles have been inserted too deeply or in the wrong area. Side effects can be alleviated by removing the needles and allowing the patient to lie down under supervision. Some side effects that occur during treatment, such as hot flashes, increased pulse, and temporarily increased symptoms, are considered normal and usually disappear quickly.





Cupping is a technique used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for certain health conditions. Glass or bamboo cups are placed on the skin with suction, which is believed to influence the flow of energy and blood in the body.


Cupping was originally called "horn therapy" in ancient China, but variations of it have been used in Turkey, Greece, France, Italy, and Eastern. Cupping has a long history of use in acupuncture practice and has been combined with bloodletting, but it is a therapy in its own right. There are specialist cupping practitioners in Malaysia.


Cupping is a safe, non-invasive, and inexpensive technique. It is used by practitioners of Chinese medicine to treat colds, lung infections, and problems in the internal organs. It is also used to treat muscle and joint pain and spasms, particularly in the back. Cupping can be used on people for whom the injection of acupuncture needles poses a problem or risk. Cupping therapy is thought to stimulate blood circulation.

Cupping disperses and moves qi by exerting suction and pressure. Cupping is used when the qi is blocked at certain points, or when qi needs to be drawn to the surface of the body from deep within. For instance, cupping is used to treat lung infections and colds, because it is believed that the suction disperses and energizes the qi that has become blocked and stagnated in the lungs. Cups can also pull out "wind-cold" that in Chinese medicine is believed to cause lung infections.

Patients usually lie down for a cupping treatment. Cups are made of bamboo or strong glass. To create a vacuum, a flame from a lighter or a burning cotton ball is placed in an upside-down cup. When the oxygen in the cup is burned off, the cup is placed directly on the skin, where it is held in place by a surprisingly strong suction. Often, the skin inside the cup visibly rises. There are also cups available that use pumps instead of burning to create the proper suction. Cupping is generally a painless procedure.

More than one cup at a time may be used to cover an area thoroughly. Cups may be left in the same place for several minutes, or removed quickly and placed elsewhere. Cups are sometimes placed over acupuncture needles that have been inserted. Moving cupping may also be performed, by first rubbing the skin with a small amount of oil to allow the cups to slide around. After cupping, patients may remain lying down for several minutes. When cups are used to treat colds and lung infections, patients are advised to wrap up in blankets to stay warm after treatment.


Improper glass vessels can shatter and cause injury, and cupping may cause bruising.

Side effects

Cupping causes blood to be drawn to the surface of the skin, which can cause red marks, swelling, and bruising.